eBay Selling Tips

Alternative RSS eBay Feeds WordPress Plugin to WP eBay Product Feeds

Back in 2020, eBay announced their decommissioning of RSS feeds, much to the chagrin of affiliate marketers using the eBay Partner Network. eBay RSS feeds were a simple way to pull items from eBay for display on affiliate sites. The proposed alternative was to use the eBay API, however, this requires more development effort, signing up to the eBay developer’s program, managing access tokens, adhering to call limits and maintenance to stay abreast of API changes – something the Fast eBay Listing WordPress plugin has always supported.

WordPress eBay Partner Network integration

Nonetheless, many eBay Partner Network users have tried to continue with RSS feeds generated from third-party resources that create a feed using the eBay API. Thus enabling the bad approach of using older RSS eBay Feeds WordPress plugins like WP eBay Product Feeds that rely upon an RSS feed as input. In this article, I’m going to look at why this approach is bad and what your alternatives are.